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Search results for "fauna"

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By Christiane Vadnais
Translated by Pablo Strauss
Categories: Fiction

In a near-future world ravaged by climate change, who will win in the struggle between humanity and nature?

A thick fog rolls in over Shivering Heights. The river overflows, the sky is streaked with toxic ...

Christiane Vadnais

Christiane Vadnais holds an MFA in creative writing, and has long been active as an events programmer and project manager in Quebec’s literary community. Radio-Canada named her a ‘Young Author to ...

A Very Virtual Coach House Fall!

By Coach House October 21, 2020

The Holiday Response Unit

By Coach House November 29, 2016 Tags: holiday

The holiday season is in full swing here at Coach House. Along with free shipping and personalized gift wrapping, this means our crack Holiday Response Unit is here to ease the twin burdens of obligatory gift giving and indecisiveness.

Here’s a particularly inspiring display of gift-giving dexterity from our very own Kate Barss.

The Coach House Books Holiday Gift Guide!

By Coach House November 28, 2022

We're having a spooky season sale!

By Coach House October 31, 2023