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Showing 121-130 of 177 titles.
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American Standard/Canada Dry

By Stephen Cain
Categories: Poetry

With Canada/US relations in the proverbial toilet (American Standard, of course), Stephen Cain’s third book blenderizes ‘pop’ culture, politics and poetry to befuddle the border.

From the Howl-like ...

The World Is a Heartbreaker

By Sherwin Tjia
Categories: Poetry

The World Is a Heartbreaker inaugurates a new subgenre: imposter poetry. This collection is a set of 1600 pseudohaikus, bite-sized chunks of poetic goodness shotgunned at the distracted masses.

What’s ...

The Refrigerator Memory

By Shannon Bramer
Categories: Poetry

The Refrigerator Memory is an exuberant, strangely funny celebration of sadness.

With fable-like miniature stories and short lyric poems, Shannon Bramer creates a world littered with stolen pears and prosthetic ...


By James Reaney
Edited by John Beckwith
Categories: Music

The late James Reaney remains one of Canada's favourite poets and playwrights; at the intersection of his dramatic and poetic talents is Scripts, a collection of musical writings. There are nine complete ...

Said Like Reeds or Things

By Mark Truscott
Categories: Poetry

Warning: this book may encourage a series of ungrammatical thoughts!

Welcome to the poetic landscape of Mark Truscott, where less is more than you bargained for. Said Like Reeds or Things is a book of micropoetic ...

The Sink House

By Julia Williams
Categories: Poetry

Home is where the heart is, or, in the case of The Sink House, home is what the heart is. Sequestered on a sleepy street in a dry Calgary suburb, our heroine, the House, finds herself embroiled in a stalled ...

Hello Serotonin

By Jon Paul Fiorentino
Categories: Poetry

Contemporary Canadian poetry got you down? Well, we'd like to prescribe a little Hello Serotonin, the latest in mood-enhancing poetry anti-depressants.

This new book of poems from Jon Paul Fiorentino operates ...

Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

Better break out your sledgehammer – it's time for a little concrete! Concrete poetry, that is. Concrete what? Well, it's poetry that's a lot like art – its meaning comes from what it looks like instead ...

The Ubiquitous Big

By Ian Samuels
Categories: Poetry

You've heard of The Big Sleep, right? Well, it's a new century – time for The Ubiquitous Big

Anyone with even a modest fetish for cultural icons from the 40s and 50s will love the way pulp fiction, fashion, ...

Moby Jane

By Gerry Gilbert
Categories: Poetry

Why, it's a whale of a book! Here comes Moby Jane – again! Originally published in 1987 and long out of print, Moby Jane contains ten years' worth of Gilbert, poem by poem, that literally spill out over ...