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Showing 121-130 of 182 titles.
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Nerve Squall

By Sylvia Legris
Categories: Poetry

Winner of the 2006 Griffin Poetry Prize


traffic jam: corkscrewing

the only way out.

Nerve Squall is a field guide like no other, a surreal handbook to a landscape ...

Portable Altamont

By Brian Joseph Davis
Categories: Poetry

Deliciously wicked satires about local and international celebrities, the poems in Portable Altamont evince an irrepressible grasp of the zeitgeist, its machinations and manipulations, its possibilities ...


By Margaret Christakos
Categories: Poetry

Eschewing prevailing poetic fashion, Sooner reimagines poetry as a kind of cubist fascination, at times even a fascination with fascination itself.

In Sooner, Christakos’s most tender, lucent book to ...

American Standard/Canada Dry

By Stephen Cain
Categories: Poetry

With Canada/US relations in the proverbial toilet (American Standard, of course), Stephen Cain’s third book blenderizes ‘pop’ culture, politics and poetry to befuddle the border.

From the Howl-like ...

The World Is a Heartbreaker

By Sherwin Tjia
Categories: Poetry

The World Is a Heartbreaker inaugurates a new subgenre: imposter poetry. This collection is a set of 1600 pseudohaikus, bite-sized chunks of poetic goodness shotgunned at the distracted masses.

What’s ...

The Refrigerator Memory

By Shannon Bramer
Categories: Poetry

The Refrigerator Memory is an exuberant, strangely funny celebration of sadness.

With fable-like miniature stories and short lyric poems, Shannon Bramer creates a world littered with stolen pears and prosthetic ...


By James Reaney
Edited by John Beckwith
Categories: Music

The late James Reaney remains one of Canada's favourite poets and playwrights; at the intersection of his dramatic and poetic talents is Scripts, a collection of musical writings. There are nine complete ...

Said Like Reeds or Things

By Mark Truscott
Categories: Poetry

Warning: this book may encourage a series of ungrammatical thoughts!

Welcome to the poetic landscape of Mark Truscott, where less is more than you bargained for. Said Like Reeds or Things is a book of micropoetic ...

The Sink House

By Julia Williams
Categories: Poetry

Home is where the heart is, or, in the case of The Sink House, home is what the heart is. Sequestered on a sleepy street in a dry Calgary suburb, our heroine, the House, finds herself embroiled in a stalled ...

Hello Serotonin

By Jon Paul Fiorentino
Categories: Poetry

Contemporary Canadian poetry got you down? Well, we'd like to prescribe a little Hello Serotonin, the latest in mood-enhancing poetry anti-depressants.

This new book of poems from Jon Paul Fiorentino operates ...