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Search results for "Tell It Slant"

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Tell It Slant

By Beth Follett
Categories: Fiction

Tell It Slant is a bold, luscious first novel by Beth Follett, publisher of one of Canada's most exciting and respected small presses, Pedlar Press.

Out of the pages of Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and into ...

Beth Follett

Beth Follett lives in St. John’s NL and is the publisher of Pedlar Press. Her first novel, Tell It Slant, was published in 2001 by Coach House.

A Runway Bestseller

By Sandy Gill April 25, 2017 Tags: fifteen dogs, humble the poet, fashion, guest post, canada reads

‘It was important to both of us to tell a story with Humble’s outfits. As artists, that’s what we do: shares stories through our respective arts, whether that be the art of writing or creating memorable looks in fashion. In this case, Fifteen Dogs made that easy to do.’

Sunday Poetry with Terese Mason Pierre

By Coach House July 12, 2020

Tess Liem

Tess Liem is a queer writer living in Montreal, Tiotia:ke, the traditional territory of the Mohawk nation. She is the author of the chapbook Tell everybody I say hi (Anstruther 2017) and her writing has ...

Louise Bak

Louise Bak was born in Kingston, Ontario and has lived in Toronto since 1991. She works actively as a writer, editor, radio broadcaster, performance artist and sexuality counsellor. Her writing has appeared ...

Celebrating the new Stroll!

By Coach House May 12, 2024

Sunday Poetry with Sarah Dowling

By Coach House May 31, 2020 Tags: Sunday Poetry