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The Drifts

By Thom Vernon
Categories: Fiction

Night is falling, and so is the snow. As the blizzard buries the ground, it uncovers the resentments, hopes, and aches of a small town in northeastern Arkansas, where, like in any Southern small town, ...

The Island of Books

By Dominique Fortier
Translated by Rhonda Mullins
Categories: Fiction

A rich portrait of the beauty of words – painted by a 15th-century illiterate scribe.

A 15th-century portrait painter, grieving the sudden death of his lover, takes refuge at the monastery at Mont Saint-Michel, ...

The Hidden Keys

By Andre Alexis
Categories: Fiction



Giller Prize winner André Alexis’s contemporary take on the quest narrative is an instant classic.

Parkdale’s Green ...

The Monster Trilogy

By RM Vaughan
Categories: Drama

Demons, ogres, werewolves – men have all the fun. Not here. Celebrated playwright RM Vaughan's The Monster Trilogy turns the tables and offers up three monstrously evil women in three explosive monologues. ...

The Obituary

By Gail Scott
Categories: Fiction

Shortlisted for the Grand Prix du livre de Montreal

Rosine is surrounded by ghosts. Ghosts of family. Ghosts of past lovers. Ghosts of an old Montreal and its politics. Ghosts of the Montreal quarry workers ...

The Far Shore

By Adam Hammond
Categories: Games

The genius and artistry behind Superbrothers and the making of an indie video game, from inception to its highly anticipated launch.

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery was released in 2011 at the forefront ...

Toronto Modern

Toronto, like the Senate of Canada, seems ever fated to be the place for sober second thought. Blessed with undeniable urban vitality, it is yet weighted down by a serious case of the 'what?ifs', by the ...

The Alphabet Game

A member of the sound-poetry collective, The Four Horsemen, winner of a Governor General's Award for Poetry and writer of Fraggle Rock, bpNichol was one of Canada's most important poets.

All of Nichol's ...

This is Me Since Yesterday

By Alexandra Leggat
Categories: Poetry

Alexandra Leggat, the author of Moondogging and numerous book and music reviews, puts on the page the remarkable texts that she is renowned for performing at spoken word events all over Toronto.

The Ubiquitous Big

By Ian Samuels
Categories: Poetry

You've heard of The Big Sleep, right? Well, it's a new century – time for The Ubiquitous Big

Anyone with even a modest fetish for cultural icons from the 40s and 50s will love the way pulp fiction, fashion, ...