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Showing 431-440 of 976 results.
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Anne Lardeux

Anne Lardeux was raised in France and lives and works in Montreal, where she painstakingly follows her ideas and convictions where they lead. Her multidisciplinary practice spans music, film, and writing, ...

Matthew James Weigel

Matthew James Weigel is a Dene and Metis poet and artist. He is the designer for Moon Jelly House press and his words and art have been published in Arc, The Polyglot, and The Mamawi Project . Matthew ...

Sunday Poetry with Sarah Burgoyne

By Coach House November 24, 2021

R. Murray Schafer

R. Murray Schafer is Canada's pre–eminent composer and is known throughout the world for his achievements as an educator, environmentalist, scholar and visual artist. His major books include the acclaimed ...

New Coach House Editorial Initiatives

By Coach House January 24, 2022

Christina Baillie

Christina Baillie is a schizophrenic writer and artist living in Toronto.