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Jesse Ruddock

Jesse Ruddock is author of the novel Shot-Blue. Born and raised in Guelph and based in Montreal, Jesse attended Harvard on a hockey scholarship, playing starting goal. After a series of concussions, ...

Ken Norris

Ken Norris is a poet living in Toronto and teaching in Maine. He is the author of dozens of books of poems and the seminal thesis on the little magazine in Canada. His most recent books are Hotel Montreal ...

Cover to Cover

By Coach House July 01, 2016

Although screenshots of Google’s autocomplete search suggestions are posted across the web as hilarious glimpses of the curiosities of the digital masses (or sometimes just as found poetry), the results of these searches aren’t the same for every user.

‘Because We Come From Everything’

By Coach House March 10, 2017 Tags: bao phi, coffee house, graywolf, birds, llc, millkweed, poetry coalition, poetry

‘I would finally like to thank my parents for what I once thought of

as an unpronounceable curse
that I’d have loved to bleach—’

Jesse Ruddock embarks on SHOT-BLUE tour

By Coach House March 27, 2017 Tags: jesse ruddock, shot-blue

Jesse Ruddock will be hitting Guelph, a few Toronto locations, and New York City in support of Shot-Blue, her debut novel.

Every Dog Has Its Day – This One’s Had a Few

By Coach House March 30, 2017 Tags: canada reads, fifteen dogs, humble the poet

Humble the Poet – the multi-talented YouTube sensation, author, and MC – successfully argued for why Canada needs to read Alexis’s apologue.