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Showing 221-230 of 976 results.
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Paul Legault

Paul Legault is the author of The Madeleine Poems (Omnidawn, 2010), The Other Poems (Fence, 2011), The Emily Dickinson Reader: An English-to-English Translation of the Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson ...

Alan Broadbent

Alan Broadbent is the chair and CEO of Avana Capital Corporation and the chair of Maytree. He also serves as the chair of the Tides Canada Foundation and Happy Planet Foods and is a member of the Governors’ ...

Genevieve Robichaud

Geneviève Robichaud is the author of Exit Text (Anstruther Press, 2016), a nano-essay on the errant and secret life of ideas. Her research focuses on twentieth- and twenty-first-century writings with ...

Ratna Omidvar

Ratna Omidvar is the president of Maytree. She also serves as a director of the Toronto City Summit Alliance and is the chair of the board of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council. Ratna was ...

Walid Bitar

Walid Bitar was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1961. He immigrated to Canada in 1969. His previous poetry collections are Maps with Moving Parts, 2 Guys on Holy Land, Bastardi Puri and The Empire's Missing ...

Maggie Huculak

Maggie Huculak has performed on Canadian stages for forty years. Cherished artistic collaborations include Necessary Angel (with Canadian writers Michael Ondaatje, Colleen Murphy, and John Mighton, and ...

Susan Steudel

Susan Steudel is a Vancouver poet. She is the recipient of several awards for her poetry including the Ralph Gustafson Prize, a Bliss Carman Poetry Award and a Mayor's Arts Award for emerging artist. ...

Raha Javanfar

Born in Iran, raised and living in Toronto, Raha Javanfar is a multifaceted artist. As lighting designer, she has worked on numerous productions in Toronto. As projections designer, she has toured the ...

Tamara Faith Berger

Tamara Faith Berger writes fiction, non-fiction and screenplays. She is the author of Lie With Me (2001), The Way of the Whore (2004), (republished together by Coach House Books as Little Cat in ...