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Showing 51-56 of 56 titles.
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Edited by Alana Wilcox & Jason McBride
Categories: Social Science
Series: uTOpia

Since the election of Mayor David Miller in November 2003, Toronto has experienced a wave of civic pride and enthusiasm not felt in decades. At long last, Torontonians see their city as a place of possibility ...

Biting the Error

What is the best way to tell a story?

In this anthology, the first-ever collection of essays by innovative, cutting-edge writers on the theme of narration, forty of the continent's top experimental writers ...


By James Reaney
Edited by John Beckwith
Categories: Music

The late James Reaney remains one of Canada's favourite poets and playwrights; at the intersection of his dramatic and poetic talents is Scripts, a collection of musical writings. There are nine complete ...

Toronto Modern

Toronto, like the Senate of Canada, seems ever fated to be the place for sober second thought. Blessed with undeniable urban vitality, it is yet weighted down by a serious case of the 'what?ifs', by the ...

Shiva's Really Scary Gifts

Governor General's Award-winning visual artist John Scott is perhaps best known for his Trans Am of the Apocalypse, a car with the entire Book of Revelation scratched onto it, which is on display at the ...


Let's say you want to know which famous Canadian poet lived in the Waverley Hotel for seven years, constantly changing rooms in fear of RCMP bugs. Or you live at 44 Walmer and want to know what on earth ...