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Showing 41-50 of 56 titles.
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Some Great Idea

By Edward Keenan
Categories: Social Science

Since 2010, Toronto's headlines have been consumed by the outrageous personal foibles and government-slashing, anti-urbanist policies of Mayor Rob Ford. But the heated debate at City Hall has obscured ...

Five Good Ideas

Non-profits are big business. According to a recent Johns Hopkins report, third-sector institutions in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Japan, the U. S. and Canada have been growing at an average rate that ...

Local Motion

Edited by Alana Wilcox, Christina Palassio, and Dave Meslin
Categories: Social Science
Series: uTOpia

Decisions about the things that matter most on a daily basis – our roads and schools and houses – happen at the city level. So, how do we influence these decisions? What motivates ordinary citizens ...

Occasional Works and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture

What if there is no ‘space,’ only a permanent, slow-motion mystic takeover, an implausibly careening awning? Nothing is utopian. Everything wants to be. Soft Architects face the reaching middle.

If ...

The Edible City

Edited by Alana Wilcox & Christina Palassio
Categories: Social Science
Series: uTOpia

If a city is its people, and its people are what they eat, then shouldn’t food play a larger role in our dialogue about how and where we live? The food of a metropolis is essential to its character. ...

A Progressive Traditionalist

By Glenn McArthur
Categories: Architecture

Winner of the Heritage Toronto Award

John M. Lyle (1872–1945) was an anomaly among architects: a Beaux-Arts classicist who nevertheless found much inspiration in modernism, allowing his own traditionalist ...


By Anik See
Categories: Travel

Beside me, on the stone steps of this quiet courtyard, there is a lame man – the sweeper. He is so thin that the end of his belt comes back around to its buckle. He’s trying to feed a puppy the rest ...


More trees. Hydrogen-fuelled cabs. Urbiology. A new model of taxation. Solar panels on big-box stores. The art of salvage. Composters for dog poo in city parks. Retrofitting our urban slabs. Gardening ...

Concrete Toronto

Toronto is a concrete city. From international landmarks to civic buildings to cultural institutions to metropolitan infrastructure and the single-family home, reminders of the era of 'brutalist' architecture ...

The Prix de Rome in Architecture

Edited by Marco Polo
Categories: Architecture

Thirty or so years ago, architecture changed. A strong desire to explore the artistic and humanistic side of the practice pushed it onto paper and into installations; ‘paper architecture’ became the ...