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Showing 71-80 of 109 titles.
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Disturbances of Progress

By Lise Downe
Categories: Poetry

If the expression 'Two steps forward, one step back' describes the conventional attitude toward hesitation and uncertainty, Disturbances of Progress takes those steps and turns them into a dance.

In an ...

Dislocations in Crystal

By Michael Boughn
Categories: Poetry

Adrift in history and myth, fairy tales and TV, the tedious and the marvellous, you'll find Dislocations in Crystal.

These poems move through the world opened by Prince Henry the Navigator's epoch-shifting ...

Seven Pages Missing Volume 2

By Steve McCaffery
Categories: Poetry

In two massive volumes, Steve McCaffery, Canada's most challenging, experimental and innovative poet/critic amasses the best of his previously published and ungathered work.

From the early concrete and ...

Metropolis (Book 2)

By Rob Fitterman
Categories: Poetry


Robert Fitterman's poetry, like the man himself, is urban, sophisticated and eclectic. This second volume of poems from Fitterman's award-winning Metropolis project ranges far and wide over the cultural ...

Excessive Love Prostheses

By Margaret Christakos
Categories: Poetry

The heart, writes Margaret Christakos, is 'a public organ of private damage. ' The poems in Excessive Love Prostheses confess, rather than deride, the complexities of contemporary desire, describing a ...

Mycological Studies

By Jay MillAr
Categories: Poetry

Mycological Studies is a cross-fertilization of language and fungus, exposing the similarities between the two species. Just as mushrooms sprout suddenly and explosively, so does language . ..

Jay MillAr's ...

The Mood Embosser

By Louis Cabri
Categories: Poetry

Louis Cabri's first collection of poetry, The Mood Embosser, presents a series of impressions of 1990s social history as it manifested in the lingering traces of everyday life. Chunks of found language ...

Raising Eyebrows

By Gary Barwin
Categories: Poetry

The surrealist antics of Gary Barwin will run the predictability of your universe through a particle accelerator. Watch as your right eyebrow turns into you as a child. Watch Jeff connect the mower to ...


By Louise Bak
Categories: Poetry

In Buddhist mysticism, a 'tulpa' is a magical entity created by intensely concentrated thought. In other words, a perfect metaphor for a book of poetry. Tulpa, Louise Bak's second Coach House book, continues ...

At Issue

By Karen Mac Cormack
Categories: Poetry

Karen Mac Cormack, in collaboration with British poet Alan Halsey, made a terrific splash with FIT TO PRINT, an examination of the poetic possibilities of the newspaper column. She's back now, with At ...