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Showing 51-60 of 177 titles.
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3 Summers

By Lisa Robertson
Categories: Poetry

A grappling with time, form and embodiment.

Recite your poem to your aunt.
I threw myself to the ground.
Where were you in the night?
In a school among the pines.
What was the meaning of the dream?

Organs, ...


By Helen Hajnoczky
Categories: Poetry

The word "magyarázni" (pronounced MUG-yar-az-knee) means "to explain" in Hungarian, but translates literally as "make it Hungarian. " This faux-Hungarian language primer, written in direct address, invites ...

Throaty Wipes

By Susan Holbrook
Categories: Poetry

In 1934, Gertrude Stein asked 'What is poetry and if you know what poetry is what is prose. ' Throaty Wipes answers this question and many more! How does broadband work? Does 'chuffed' mean pleased or ...


By Nicole Markotic
Categories: Poetry

What might a word lose – or gain – without its prefix?

Each prose poem in Whelmed features a word that has been unhinged from its prefix, allowing new meanings – radically unfamiliar, yet uncannily ...

Mission Creep

By Joshua Trotter
Categories: Poetry

A spun radio dial passing clean through poetry. A stuttering loop of Endgame recorded by Stockhausen, remixed by Kraftwerk. The chatter of minotaurs and metadata. Transmissions from far-off futures or ...

Country Club

By Andy McGuire
Categories: Poetry

A lyrical wilderness of power, wealth, leisure and desire, the poems of Country Club freewheel across state lines with panache and flagrant feeling. In this bold debut from Andy McGuire, all passions – ...


By Nicole Brossard
Translated by Angela Carr
Categories: Poetry

something like wait for me
in the braille of scars
tonight can i suggest a little punctuation
circle half-moon vertical line of astonishment
a pause that transforms
light and breath 
into language and threshold ...

The Xenotext: Book 1

By Christian Bök
Categories: Poetry

The first work of 'living poetry' in the world, by the author of the bestselling book Eunoia

Shortlisted for the 2016 Stephan G. Stephansson Award for Poetry (Alberta Literary Awards)

Internationally renowned ...


By Ben Ladouceur
Categories: Poetry

His body, like yours, would lie
mute as a plum
until a vigilant limb came
to a decision. As you might have guessed
I've come to one myself.

Moving from the absurdity of the First World War to the chaos of ...

Asbestos Heights

By David McGimpsey
Categories: Poetry

Winner of the 2015 Quebec Writers' Federation's A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry

If you tore off the tops of canola --
yellow canola flowers -- would you
jump in a tub of canola margarine
just to make the best ...