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Showing 41-50 of 177 titles.
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Lances All Alike

By Suzanne Zelazo
Categories: Poetry

Modernist poet-painters Mina Loy and Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven had many friends in common (including Djuna Barnes and Marcel Duchamp), yet there is no record that the two ever met. Their non-relationship ...

Night Became Years

By Jason Stefanik
Categories: Poetry

Night Became Years is poetry in the sauntering tradition of the flâneur. Stefanik loafers his way over sacred geography and explores his own mixed heritage through the lexicon of Elizabethan canting language. ...

Cheer Up, Jay Ritchie

By Jay Ritchie
Categories: Poetry

Ritchie discovers and obstructs truths, like the difficulty of being at the bar and being a lilac bush simultaneously.

I bought tear-resistant pants
just in case

I'm not

a good guy underneath it all,
being ...

Drakkar Noir

By Jeramy Dodds
Categories: Poetry

This mirror's selfie-proof, a machine that dams back the gloom.

After a brief period of mourning, it was the afternoon.
This mirror is selfie-proof, a machine that dams
back the gloom. When machines dream ...

My Ariel

By Sina Queyras
Categories: Poetry

A poem-by-poem engagement with Sylvia Plath's Ariel and the towering mythology surrounding it.

When I am a bitch I feel in such good company.
Nice girls never gave me anything but trouble,

Eating the ground ...

Common Place

By Sarah Pinder
Categories: Poetry

Common Place explores the stories of shifting, resilient bodies and landscapes bound by systems of capital and power. From thin threads of text messages across borders to encounters with strangers in the ...

Dead White Men

By Shane Rhodes
Categories: Poetry

A vital collection that interrogates the stories of the dead white men that litter our histories and landscapes.

Juxtaposing the seemingly benign names of Europeans that permeate our geographies with ...

Feel Happier in 9 Seconds

By Linda Besner
Categories: Poetry

I learned the secret of serenity
by waterboarding daffodils.
My Buddha is landfill.
My mantra choked
from a bluebird’s neck.
It’s ruthless, the pursuit
of happiness. Eighteen
seconds have elapsed.

This collection ...

In on the Great Joke

By Laura Broadbent
Categories: Poetry

In a blend of essayistic poetics, Broadbent wields alchemy, translation and necromancy to bring readers In on the Great Joke.

What do you get when you cross Lao Tzu and an application for a university ...

Night & Ox

By Jordan Scott
Categories: Poetry

bronchia think
form a bombsight
think periosteum singing
particle falconry workpiece
two lowcut hills seeking
what stone is
for body
is herd

Night & Ox is a long poem working its interruptions to ...