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By James Reaney
Edited by John Beckwith
Categories: Music

The late James Reaney remains one of Canada's favourite poets and playwrights; at the intersection of his dramatic and poetic talents is Scripts, a collection of musical writings. There are nine complete ...

sensory deprivation

By damian lopes
Categories: Poetry

At long last, this double-barrelled collection of visual poetry, sensory deprivation and dream poetics, by damian lopes is now in print. Considered visual essays by the author, sensory deprivation explores ...


By Jen Currin
Categories: Poetry

At times a call to action and at others an intimate conversation between friends, Currin’s sensual and surreal poems speak to the political upheavals and environmental catastrophes of our time. School ...


By Jesse Ruddock
Categories: Fiction

Watch a trailer for Shot-Blue: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Shot-Blue is that rarest species, a genuinely wise novel.’ – Rivka Galchen

Rachel is a young single mother living with her son, Tristan, on a lake that ...

Theatre of the Unimpressed

How dull plays are killing theatre and what we can do about it.

Had I become disenchanted with the form I had once fallen so madly in love with as a pubescent, pimple-faced suburban homo with braces? ...

The Inspection House

In 1787, British philosopher and social reformer Jeremy Bentham conceived of the panopticon, a ring of cells observed by a central watchtower, as a labor-saving device for those in authority. While Bentham's ...


By Anais Barbeau-Lavalette
Translated by Rhonda Mullins
Categories: Fiction

Eighty-five years of art and history through the eyes of a woman who fled her family – as re-imagined by her granddaughter.

Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette never knew her mother’s mother. Curious to understand ...

Seconds Out

Kicking ass and taking notes—what it’s like to be a woman in the ring.

Alison Dean teaches English literature. She also punches people. Hard. But despite several amateur fights under her belt, she ...

Safety of War

By Rob Benvie
Categories: Fiction

David spends his days as an underworked copy writer for an ad agency and his nights lost in old war movies, fantasizing about his strange teenage cousin and revisiting his father's suicide.

His dreary ...

The Trouble with Brunch

One of the Globe and Mail's Globe 100: Best Books of 2014

Every weekend, in cities around the world, bleary-eyed diners wait in line to be served overpriced, increasingly outré food by hungover waitstaff. ...