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By Geoffrey Brown
Categories: Fiction

Can a breakup break you apart?

In Self-Titled, Geoffrey Brown stares into a mirror and writes what he sees, what he thinks, what he feels. The result? A self-portrait that's at once comic and psychotic, ...

Social Acupuncture

By Darren O'Donnell
Categories: Drama

Theatre doesn’t have much relevance anymore. Or so acclaimed playwright Darren O’Donnell tells us. The dynamics of unplanned social interaction, he says, are far more compelling than any play he could ...


By Margaret Christakos
Categories: Poetry

Eschewing prevailing poetic fashion, Sooner reimagines poetry as a kind of cubist fascination, at times even a fascination with fascination itself.

In Sooner, Christakos’s most tender, lucent book to ...


By David McGimpsey
Categories: Poetry

Implicating extremes from Coriolanus to Karen Carpenter, David McGimpsey’s Sitcom is both serious poetry and a work of comedy. Mischievous, generous and side-splittingly funny, this collection of wry ...


By Claudia Dey
Categories: Fiction

Nominated for the First Novel Award

Eugenia Ledoux, nine years old, wakes to a note from her father: ‘gone to save the world. sorry. yours, sheb wooly ledoux. asshole.’ Eugenia is left behind ...


How do we build cities where we aren't just living within the same urban space, but living together?

Greater Toronto is now home to a larger proportion of foreign-born residents than any other major global ...

Some Great Idea

By Edward Keenan
Categories: Social Science

Since 2010, Toronto's headlines have been consumed by the outrageous personal foibles and government-slashing, anti-urbanist policies of Mayor Rob Ford. But the heated debate at City Hall has obscured ...


By Anik See
Categories: Travel

Beside me, on the stone steps of this quiet courtyard, there is a lame man – the sweeper. He is so thin that the end of his belt comes back around to its buckle. He’s trying to feed a puppy the rest ...


By Ken Babstock
Categories: Poetry

Poems to read in the small hours before dawn, when the sirens start up again.

Swivelmount’s concerns – the collapse of subject and world, eros and law, knowledge and bafflement – gain new urgency ...

Sentimental Exorcisms

By David Derry
Categories: Fiction

A former lover becomes an uninvited houseguest in Ted and Marjory’s quiet abode, adversely affecting investigations into the history of the semicolon. A judge must compulsively narrate his neighbour ...