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Lenny Bruce Is Dead

By Jonathan Goldstein
Categories: Fiction

At McDonald's, when I'm throwing out the stuff on my tray, there's a point where I get scared that my wallet could have been on there, too. I always think, as everything is tumbling into the garbage, ...


By Cordelia Strube
Categories: Fiction

Lemon has three mothers: a biological one she's never met, her adopted father's suicidal ex, and Drew, a school principal who hasn’t left the house since she was stabbed by a student. She has one deadbeat ...

Li'l Bastard

By David McGimpsey
Categories: Poetry

Finalist for the 2012 Governor General's Award for Poetry


Chicagoland hot-dog stands are open late.
What the fuck you want?' one cashier asks me.
What the fuck did I want? Hope? A car? To write?
Jesus, ...

Martyrology Books 3 & 4

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

All of Nichol's work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Martyrology Books 1 & 2

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Martyrology Book 5

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

'All of Nichol's work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...


By Ravi Jain & Miriam Fernandes
Categories: Drama

A contemporary dramatic take on a 4,000-year-old Sanskrit epic that is foundational to Indian culture. 

Why Not Theatre’s large-scale, once-in-a-generation retelling of Mahabharata brings together ...


By Norah Sadava & Amy Nostbakken
Categories: Drama

Mouthpiece is an exploration of contemporary feminism: following one woman, for one day, as she tries to find her voice. 

Winner of the 2017 Toronto Theatre Critics Award for Best New Canadian Play
Winner ...

Midday at the Super-Kamiokande

By Matthew Tierney
Categories: Poetry

Midday at the Super-Kamiokande is part existentialist cry, part close encounters of the other kind. Think Kierkegaard in a spacesuit, Kubrik in a Left Bank café.
Like the neutrino observatory of its ...

Mad Long Emotion

By Ben Ladouceur
Categories: Poetry

Desire and dieffenbachias: new poems from the award-winning author of Otter .
Mad Long Emotion wants to talk flora to fauna like you. Loosestrife shoos away humans and green carnations flirt with handsome ...