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Coach House publishes innovative poetry, literary fiction, drama and select nonfiction.

We do not publish children’s books, cookbooks, fantasy, historical romances, memoirs, mysteries, science fiction, ...

Meghan Kemp-Gee

Meghan Kemp-Gee writes poetry, comics, and scripts of all kinds. She has also worked as a writing teacher, screenplay consultant, and ultimate frisbee coach. She received her BA from Amherst College and ...

T. Liem

T. Liem is
the author of Obits. (Coach House, 2018), which was shortlisted for
a Lambda Literary Award, and won the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award as well as
the the A.M. Klein Prize. Their writing has ...

Catriona Wright

Catriona Wright is the author of the poetry collection Table Manners and the short story collection Difficult People. Her poems have appeared in the American Poetry Review, the Walrus, and Magma, and ...

The Coach House Books Holiday Gift Guide!

By Coach House November 28, 2022

Rhonda Mullins

Rhonda Mullins is a Montreal-based translator who has translated many books from French into English, including Jocelyne Saucier’s And Miles To Go Before I Sleep, Grégoire Courtois’ The Laws of the ...