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Kate Eichhorn

Kate Eichhorn is the author of Fond (BookThug). She lives in New York, where she teaches writing and media studies at The New School.

Heather Milne

Heather Milne is an assistant professor in the English Department at the University of Winnipeg. Her essays on women's writing have appeared in journals such as Canadian Poetry, Canadian Literature, a/b: ...

Patrick Cummins

Patrick Cummins has photographed aspects of Toronto’s built environment since 1978. He has worked as an archivist with the City of Toronto since 1986, specializing in photographic, cartographic and ...

Paul Dutton

Paul Dutton is a poet, novelist, essayist, and oral sound artist who is internationally renowned for his literary and musical performances. Since 1967, his artistic focus has been the creation of works ...

Laura Broadbent

Laura Broadbent is the author of Oh There You Are I Can't See You Is It Raining? (Invisible), which won the 2012 Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry, and Interviews (Metatron Press). Originally ...

John Armstrong

John Armstrong was born and raised in White Rock, a sleepy suburb of Vancouver. After dropping out of senior high school, he fell into the burgeoning Vancouver punk scene via his roommate Art Bergmann. ...

Paul Collins

Paul Collins, originally from Toronto, has lived and worked in Paris since 1982. He has shown in Toronto at A Space, YYZ and Mercer Union. He recently released an album of electronic music with the French ...

Rob Fitterman

Robert Fitterman has published seven books of poetry since 1986. The first volume of Metropolis received the Sun & Moon New American Poetry Award in 1997. Robert is the editor-publisher of Object