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Stephen Cain

Stephen Cain (b.1970) is the author of dyslexicon (Coach House, 1999) and Torontology (ECW, 2001). His sound poetry can be heard on Carnivocal (Red Deer, 1999) and his concrete poetry has appeared internationally. ...

Sherwin Tjia

Sherwin Tjia is a Montreal-based poet and painter. He has exhibited widely and works as a medical illustrator for McGill University. He is the author of Pedigree Girls (comic strips) and Gentle Fictions ...

Andrée A. Michaud

Since La Femme de Sath, a book acclaimed by critics in Quebec, Andrée A. Michaud has built a distinguished oeuvre. Her fifth novel, Le Ravissement, won a Governor General’s Award for Fiction in 2001 ...

Marco Polo

Editor Marco Polo is a registered architect and an Assistant Professor in Ryerson’s Department of Architectural Science, where his teaching focus is in architecture theory, architectural writing and ...

Sarah Lang

Sarah Lang was born on a Saturday in the winter of 1980, in Northwestern Canada. In the spring of 2004, she completed her MFA at Brown University. She began work on her PhD in Chicago in the fall of 2005. ...

Jordan Scott

Jordan Scott is the author of Silt (2005), blert (2008) and, with Stephen Collis, Decomp (2013). Scott is the 2015/16 Writer-in-Residence at Simon Fraser University. He lives in Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. ...

Kyle Buckley

Kyle Buckley lives and writes in Toronto. He studied at York and the University of Calgary, and has taught creative writing at Ryerson University. He currently works at Type Books in Toronto and is a ...