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I Could See Everything

By Margaux Williamson
Categories: Art

'Like all my favourite art, these paintings bring out that covetous feeling – I want to wear them, dance to them, show them off as an example of how life feels to me: dirty, dumb, terrifying, spiritual ...

The Beauty Is Relentless

Edited by Mike Hoolboom
By Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby
Categories: Art

The literary post-punk short movies of Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby have been tearing up the festival/gallery circuit for the past fifteen years with their blend of bedroom pop, perverse animations ...

Shiva's Really Scary Gifts

Governor General's Award-winning visual artist John Scott is perhaps best known for his Trans Am of the Apocalypse, a car with the entire Book of Revelation scratched onto it, which is on display at the ...