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Search results for "bp nichol"

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By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

Originally twelve years in the making! Featuring a cast of thousands. It still stars the letter H, and introduces Probable Systems, Negatives, and the Actual Life of Language! Your heart will pound as ...

Ad Sanctos

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

All of Nichol's work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

Better break out your sledgehammer – it's time for a little concrete! Concrete poetry, that is. Concrete what? Well, it's poetry that's a lot like art – its meaning comes from what it looks like instead ...

Martyrology Books 3 & 4

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

All of Nichol's work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Martyrology Books 1 & 2

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Martyrology Book 5

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

'All of Nichol's work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

Martyrology Book 6

By bp Nichol
Categories: Poetry

'All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect structural and textual devices to carry meaning. In The Martyrology ...

a book of variations

By bp Nichol
Edited by Stephen Voyce
Categories: Poetry

The range of bpNichol's output is unparalleled, the reach of his curiosity, wit and inventiveness, immeasurable. Concrete poetry, novels, comics, sound poetry and even a television show, Fraggle Rock – ...

Nights on Prose Mountain

By bp Nichol
Edited by Derek Beaulieu
Categories: Fiction

The long-lost fiction of avant-garde hero bpNichol collected into one groundbreaking volume.
Nights on Prose Mountain gathers all of beloved writer bpNichol's published fiction. Originally appearing between ...