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Pet, Pet, Slap

By Andrew Battershill
Categories: Fiction

Rocky meets Elmore Leonard meets Miranda July as Pillow Wilson, a past-his-prime boxer, trains for his last title shot. Shenanigans ensue.


Boxer ‘Pillow Fist’ Pete Wilson should be preparing for ...


By Simina Banu
Categories: Poetry

Softening concrete poetry with humour and tenderness, POP takes an uncommon perspective on modern poetic traditions, combining deft lyricism with visual poems for a playful romp.

POP rummages through the ...

Piccolo Mondo

It happened in Vancouver, just before 'the sixties' started. A whole generation of poets, writers and artists shook off the repression of 1950s Vancouver. Piccolo Mondo blurs the lines between the fiction ...


By Darren O'Donnell
Categories: Drama

pppeeeaaaccceee, is a vast, imaginative and mesmerizing glide through Life and Power. The play is set in Ephemeral; three people firmly floating chat – in O'Donnell's inimitable rapid-fire style - about ...

Paper City

By Nathalie Stephens
Categories: Poetry

In a Paper City write nothing down. So commands this text, which dismantles itself as it charts its own admonished course, navigating the interstices between English and French, the author's two mother ...


By Suzanne Zelazo
Categories: Poetry

The poems in Parlance thrash against the matrix of their own referential nature using a series of linguistic echoes that reference writers like the 'maternal' Virginia Woolf or the 'paternal' Leonard Cohen. ...

Practical Dreamers

By Mike Hoolboom
Edited by Mike Hoolboom
Categories: Performing Arts

‘The streets are full of admirable craftsmen, but so few practical dreamers. ’ – Man Ray

Welcome to the world of fringe movies. Here, artists have been busy putting queer shoulders to the wheels, ...

Prismatic Publics

Edited by Kate Eichhorn & Heather Milne
Categories: Poetry

Nicole Brossard, Margaret Christakos, Susan Holbrook, Dorothy Trujillo Lusk, Karen Mac Cormack, Daphne Marlatt, Erín Moure, M. NourbeSe Philip, Sina Queyras, Lisa Robertson, Gail Scott, Nathalie Stephens, ...

Portable Altamont

By Brian Joseph Davis
Categories: Poetry

Deliciously wicked satires about local and international celebrities, the poems in Portable Altamont evince an irrepressible grasp of the zeitgeist, its machinations and manipulations, its possibilities ...

Pulpy and Midge

By Jessica Westhead
Categories: Fiction

Brian Lembeck – ‘Pulpy’ – takes life slow and steady. He likes his office job, and he likes his gentle, figurine-collecting boss, Al. He even likes the bitter receptionist, though he’s the only ...