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By Darren O'Donnell
Categories: Drama

These four plays – White Mice, Who Shot Jacques Lacan?, Radio Rooster Says That's Bad and Over – written by Darren O'Donnell for his theatre company, Mammalian Diving Reflex, will challenge your politics, ...


By Jen Currin
Categories: Poetry

Jen Currin’s acclaimed debut collection, The Sleep of Four Cities, announced the arrival of a fully formed, arresting new talent, and the poems in her new collection, Hagiography, see her trademark ...

It Is an Honest Ghost

By John Goldbach
Categories: Fiction

From Kenya to Quebec, these wry and unconventional stories explore the different ways we’re haunted …

Teenagers philosophize on the nature of ontology while fearing there's a ghost in the old mill ...

I know you are but what am I?

By Heather Birrell
Categories: Fiction

Kleptomaniacs, convicts, roof-walkers and homicidal hippies: here are children and adults, men and women, all struggling to define themselves. The stories in I know you are but what am I? are like snow ...

In on the Great Joke

By Laura Broadbent
Categories: Poetry

In a blend of essayistic poetics, Broadbent wields alchemy, translation and necromancy to bring readers In on the Great Joke.

What do you get when you cross Lao Tzu and an application for a university ...

Indexical Elegies

By Jon Paul Fiorentino
Categories: Poetry

Jon Paul Fiorentino's new collection is a whip-smart poetic investigation of anxiety in all its many manifestations. Anxiety caused by geography, anxieties of influence and looming worries about loss ...


By Greg MacArthur
Categories: Drama

Isolated brings together two inventive, disturbing plays by one of Canada’s most intriguing dramatic voices.

In Recovery, people around the world are addicted to a mysterious substance. Large recovery ...

Isobel and Emile

By Alan Reed
Categories: Fiction

This is the story of Isobel and Emile. They wake up beside each other one morning, and they slowly get out of bed. It is the last time that they will sleep together. They know it. They do not want it ...


By (photographer) Janieta Eyre
Edited by Suzanne Zelazo
Text by Christian Bök
Categories: Photography

Incarnations showcases twenty years of Eyre's uniquely performative portraits deconstructing what it means to be a thinker, woman, and subject.Incarnations is the first collection to make accessible a ...

Inside the Pleasure Dome

By Mike Hoolboom
With Atom Egoyan
Introduction by Atom Egoyan
Categories: Performing Arts


Everybody loves the movies. But a movie about the colour blue, or an isolated mountain range, or a man grown so thin the world floats through his perfect transparency? 'You know what would be really ...