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By Nicole Brossard
Translated by Angela Carr
Categories: Poetry

something like wait for me
in the braille of scars
tonight can i suggest a little punctuation
circle half-moon vertical line of astonishment
a pause that transforms
light and breath 
into language and threshold ...

Almost Japanese

By Sarah Sheard
Categories: Fiction

In Sarah Sheard's celebrated novel Almost Japanese, a young girl's obsession with a famous Japanese musician blossoms into personal transformation. In spare, lyrical prose, Sheard documents Emma's discovery ...


By Carla Gunn
Categories: Fiction

Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best First Book (Canada and Caribbean region)

Nine-year-old Phineas William Walsh has an encyclopedic knowledge of the natural world. He knows that if ...


By Paul Dutton
Categories: Poetry

A collection of poetry by one of the historic Four Horsemen, who is also one of the world’s foremost soundsingers. The text, abounding in rhythmic invention and resonant sonority, ranges through short ...

Autobiography of Childhood

By Sina Queyras
Categories: Fiction

A finalist for the 36th annual First Novel Award!


The Combals are not unacquainted with death: they have never quite recovered from the loss of one of them in childhood. And now, on Valentine's ...

A Cannibal and Melancholy Mourning

Translated by Nathalie Stephens
By Catherine Mavrikakis
Categories: Fiction


French novelist Hervé Guilbert's 1991 novel, To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life, is about a narrator named Hervé Guilbert who, after his close friend Muzil (really, Michel Foucault) dies of AIDS, ...

A Progressive Traditionalist

By Glenn McArthur
Categories: Architecture

Winner of the Heritage Toronto Award

John M. Lyle (1872–1945) was an anomaly among architects: a Beaux-Arts classicist who nevertheless found much inspiration in modernism, allowing his own traditionalist ...

A Painted Elephant

By Jill Hartman
Categories: Poetry

A Painted Elephant tells a tale of love – unrequited, of course, like all the best stories. Our Juliet? A lonely Indian elephant, newly arrived at the Calgary Zoo from Holland, with a penchant for moonlight ...

Bright Eyed

By RM Vaughan
Categories: Social Science

For forty years, RM Vaughan has been fighting, and failing, to get his forty winks each night. He's not alone, not by any stretch.

More and more studies highlight the health risks of undersleeping, yet ...

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep

By Jocelyne Saucier
Translated by Rhonda Mullins
Categories: Fiction

Away From Her meets Strangers on a Train in this follow-up to cult bestseller And the Birds Rained Down

After And The Birds Rained Down, a stunning meditation on aging and freedom, Jocelyne Saucier is ...