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Coach House books have been translated into countless languages and published all over the world.

Recent Rights Deals include: 

  • Dream States: Ukrainian rights to Fabula.
  • Hidden Keys: Macedonian rights ...

Rachel Zolf

Syd (formerly Rachel) Zolf has published six books of poetry, including three with Coach House Books: Janey's Arcadia (2014), Neighbour Procedure (2010), and Human Resources (2007); and a selected poetry, ...

Syd Zolf

Syd (formerly Rachel) Zolf has published six books of poetry, including three with Coach House Books: Janey's Arcadia (2014), Neighbour Procedure (2010), and Human Resources (2007); and a selected poetry, ...

Will Rees

Will Rees is a writer and editor living in London. He is a director of Peninsula Press, which he co-founded in 2018. His essays and reviews have appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, the Guardian ...

Éric Chacour

Born in Montreal to Egyptian parents, Éric Chacour has shared his life between France and Quebec. A graduate in applied economics and international relations, he now works in the financial sector in ...

Pasha Malla

Pasha Malla is the author of seven books. His writing has won or been listed for the Giller Prize, the Commonwealth Prize, the Dublin IMPAC, the Trillium Book Award, an Arthur Ellis Award, the Journey ...

Jenny Hiseler

Jenny Hiseler is an accessibility professional who started her career as a wheelchair technician. Since then, she has worked with architects and designers, arts groups, universities, and more to make ...

Emily Macrae

Emily Macrae is a disabled writer, organizer, and twin. Having lived and worked in Toronto, Halifax, Vancouver, and rural Quebec, her work combines policy analysis and lived experience to build accessible ...

Gregory Betts

Gregory Betts is the author of ten books of poetry, two monographs on the Canadian avant-garde (including Finding Nothing: The Vangardes 1959–1975) and editor of ten collections of, or on, Canadian ...

Stuart Ross

Stuart Ross is the author of 25 books of fiction, poetry, and personal essays, as well as scores of chapbooks. His most recent books are the memoir The Book of Grief and Hamburgers, winner of the 2023 ...