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Showing 291-300 of 976 results.
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John Scott

John Scott has been a part of the Toronto art community for 25 years and has taught at the Ontario College of Art and Design since 1982. In the year 2000, John was the recipient of the first Governor ...

Ann MacDonald

Ann MacDonald is currently engaged in the second manifestation of her life as an artist and writer.

Louis Cabri

Louis Cabri has worked in bicycle rentals and construction, has been a band member (The Hemidrones, Toronto), private tutor, bookstore clerk, festival organizer, secretary for care, editor for Oxfam, ...

Michael Boughn

Michael Boughn is a writer, scholar and sometime teacher. His most recent book of poetry, one's own MIND, was published by the Institute of Further Studies. He lives in Toronto with his wife, Elizabeth, ...

Lise Downe

Lise Downe is the author of two previous books of poetry, A Velvet Increase of Curiosity and The Soft Signature. Originally from London, Ontario, she resides in Toronto, where she also practices goldsmithing. ...

Derek Beaulieu

Derek Beaulieu is the author/editor of over twenty-five collections of poetry, prose, and criticism. His most recent volume of fiction, a, A Novel, was published by France’s Jean Boîte Editions, his ...

Ron Hotz

Ron Hotz is a family doctor with experience in emergency medicine and obstetrics. He is an assistant professor and lecturer at the University of Toronto with a special interest in the clinical training ...

Suzanne Zelazo

A former Montrealer, Suzanne Zelazo has been a citizen of Toronto for the last ten years. She is the founder and current editor-in-chief of Queen Street Quarterly (a journal of contemporary writing), a ...

Julia Williams

Julia Williams is a poet and prose writer whose work has appeared in The Literary Review of Canada, CV2, Queen St. Quarterly and THIS magazine. Most recently, her poetry was included in the 2005 Mercury ...