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Showing 181-190 of 976 results.
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Mike Blouin

Mike Blouin has been the recipient of the Diana Brebner Prize for Poetry from Arc , Canada's National Poetry Magazine, as well as the Lillian I. Found Prize for Poetry from Carleton University, and his ...

Geoffrey Brown

Geoffrey Brown is the author of Notice (Gutter Press, 1999). In 2003 'Listen,' an excerpt from this novel, was shortlisted for the Journey Prize. He is also a photographer whose work has appeared in Vice ...

Gregoire Courtois

Grégoire Courtois lives and works in Burgundy, where he runs the independent bookstore Obliques, which he bought in 2011. A novelist and playwright, he has published three novels with Le Quartanier: ...

Beth Follett

Beth Follett lives in St. John’s NL and is the publisher of Pedlar Press. Her first novel, Tell It Slant, was published in 2001 by Coach House.

Annabel Vaughan

Annabel Vaughan is an Architect and Project Manager at era Architects Inc. Her recent interest lies in the intersection between architecture as a spatial practice reflected in a single built work and ...

Cara Hedley

Cara Hedley has lived in England and Western Canada, and calls Winnipeg and Lake of the Woods home. After playing three seasons with the University of Manitoba Bison women's hockey team, she moved to ...

Amanda Leduc

Amanda Leduc's essays and stories have appeared in publications across Canada, the US, and the UK. She is the author of the novels The Miracles of Ordinary Men and the forthcoming The Centaur's Wife . ...

Dennis Denisoff

Dennis Denisoff is the author of the novel Dog Years, a book of poetry, Tender Agencies, and two scholarly studies, Aestheticism and Sexual Parody 1840-1940 and the forthcoming Sexual Visuality from Literature ...

Matthieu Simard

Matthieu Simard is the author of eight novels. He has been called one of the most promising Québécois authors of this generation. He currently lives in Montreal.

David Derry

David Derry lives in Toronto. Having been seduced by farming, boat-building, and chauffeuring, and having flirted with academia, he more recently discovered the insular pleasure of drafting and amending ...