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Showing 151-160 of 976 results.
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Jessica Westhead

Jessica Westhead is a Toronto writer who has published stories in litmags such as The Antigonish Review, Matrix, This Magazine, Geist, Taddle Creek, Forget Magazine, Word and Kiss Machine . Her fiction ...

Jason Christie

Jason Christie is the author of Canada Post, i-ROBOT, Unknown Actor, and a coeditor of Shift & Switch: New Canadian Poetry. He currently lives in Ottawa. 

Elaine Chang

Elaine Chang is a writer, critic and university professor. Born in Vancouver and educated at the University of British Columbia and Stanford University, she currently lives in Toronto and teaches contemporary ...

Domenica Martinello

Domenica Martinello holds an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she was the recipient of the Deena Davidson Friedman Prize for Poetry. She currently lives in Montreal.

Shannon Bramer

Shannon Bramer was born in Hamilton. She is the author of two previous collections, scarf and suitcases and other poems, which won the Hamilton and Region Arts Council Book Award. She teaches contemporary ...

Alexandra Kimball

Alexandra Kimball is a magazine writer and editor in Toronto, and has received seven National Magazine Award nominations. Her journalism and essays appear regularly in major publications across Canada, ...

Mark Truscott

Mark Truscott's first book, Said Like Reeds or Things, was shortlisted for a ReLit Award and recieved an Alcuin citation for Darren Wershler-Henry's design. Mark lives in Toronto, where he curates the ...

Alex Bozikovic

Alex Bozikovic is the Globe and Mail’s architecture critic, covering architecture and urbanism. He has won a National Magazine Award and has also written for Architectural Record, Azure, Dwell, and ...

Anik See

Anik See is the author of the food memoir A Fork in the Road (MacMillan, 2000). Her writing has appeared in Brick, Prairie Fire, the Fiddlehead, Geist, Grain, the National Post, Toronto Life and, as a ...

Cheryll Case

Cheryll Case is the founding principal of CP Planning, a groundbreaking urban planning firm that digs deep into addressing the urban conditions that affect access to housing, work, and play. She specializes ...