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Showing 81-90 of 177 titles.
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The Lease

By Mathew Henderson
Categories: Poetry

The lease is meaningless: a square paced
first by seismic workers, and then your father,
and then by every other man you know.


Distilled from his time in the Saskatchewan and Albertan oilfields, Mathew ...

Divide and Rule

By Walid Bitar
Categories: Poetry

In Divide and Rule, Walid Bitar delivers a sequence of dramatic monologues, variations on the theme of power, each in rhymed quatrains. Though the pieces grow out of Bitar’s personal experiences over ...

New Theatre

By Susan Steudel
Categories: Poetry

New Theatre stages a lively foray into spaces geographical and utopian that calls into question the process and nature of meaning. Steudel’s coolly cerebral ‘Birch’ sequence about Vladimir Ilyich ...


By Jenny Sampirisi
Categories: Poetry

Croak is a frog-and-girl opera in three parts, played out like a YouTube mashup of mid-century cartoons, all set to a contemporary pop song. It parades, mutilates and reacquaints Kermit the Frog with ...


By Leigh Kotsilidis
Categories: Poetry

For a long time, people have looked to science as a way to understand their own lives. But while science has proven itself a useful metaphor, it has just as often been exposed as being as fallible as ...

Li'l Bastard

By David McGimpsey
Categories: Poetry

Finalist for the 2012 Governor General's Award for Poetry


Chicagoland hot-dog stands are open late.
What the fuck you want?' one cashier asks me.
What the fuck did I want? Hope? A car? To write?
Jesus, ...

A Complete Encyclopedia of Different Types of People

By Gabe Foreman
Categories: Poetry

People who rely on stereotypes are often vilified. But really, is there a better way to classify people? There are some taxonimical difficulties, though. Exactly how many types of people are there? What ...


By River Halen Guri
Categories: Poetry

Finalist for the 2012 Trillium Book Award for Poetry


Robert Brand has given up on real women. Relationships just haven't ever worked out well for him. He has, however, found a (somewhat problematic) ...

The Brave Never Write Poetry

By Daniel Jones
Categories: Poetry

First published in 1985, when Daniel Jones was just 26, The Brave Never Write Poetry, the poet/critic/novelist's lone collection of poems, was a cult hit, turning 'poetry' on its head before its author ...


By Jonathan Ball
Categories: Poetry

Jonathan Ball’s Clock?re is a suite of poetic blueprints for imaginary plays that would be impossible to produce – plays in which, for example, the director burns out the sun, actors murder their audience ...